Very Good at Failure

As a catering entrepreneur, I've had my share. I don't need to explain the challenges facing the industry. They're familiar. I read in a comment on LinkedIn this week that 'indistinguishable' concepts will be particularly hard hit. Yet?

It is now clear to me: in the Netherlands 17 million National coaches have as a side job pub landlord. What do we know to tell it all well from the sidelines. It was quite a shock to me, to be honest. You're building a nice business and besides the nice people there are also people who can't just be happy for you. But now I get it: these people are just not happy. They're envious. What they themselves experience, they flounder on you. On your business, your way of life.

Because you're the one who stuck his neck out. You dared. Others don't. And the more you undertake, the more likely things are to go wrong. So you're failing. Every day. That's tough, but everyone in competition; every entrepreneur and every athlete knows that failure is part of the game. Michael Jordan has lost more than 300 games and missed 26 times when taking the winning throw.

If you know that, you'll slowly become good at failure. For me, I get better at it every day. And I really want to be good at it.

Do you recognize yourself in this story, and would you like to talk to me about your business challenges in hospitality? Contact me via or respond in the commments.

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