Van Stiphout Hospitality

It started in 2016 with my retirement from the #contractcatering, after an exciting period in which I could build a beautiful company in a new market. As a result, I became fascinated with the hospitality business and started a company that filled a gap in the market.

However, I experienced the necessary setback due to an unclear concept, too broad a target group and too high fixed charges, which meant that I had to constantly develop the company in order to be able to save it financially. So it wasn't all right, and then the Corona time came out on top.

However, it did give me an important insight and that is that I get the most energy and satisfaction from projects! It's a tipping point in my life, because it's the drive to make a difference that motivates me. Now everything is different and I have over twenty-five years of knowledge and experience in international #horeca and catering in my pocket as a manager, #ondernemer and #adviseur.

You can say that my life has changed dramatically and I have already adopted several #opdrachten where I can share my views on issues in #Gastvrijheid. In the end, I am very grateful for my experiences, because it gives me great satisfaction to focus on my mission: to improve hospitality concepts.

Van Stiphout Hospitality

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